Historic Forts and Trading Posts of the French Regime and of the English Trading Companies
Document Type: Published Material
Date of Document(s): 1930
Date Range Start : 1630
Date Range End: 1900
Source: Department of the Interior
Indexing Progress: Finished
Date Range Start : 1630
Date Range End: 1900
Source: Department of the Interior
Indexing Progress: Finished
Primary or Secondary Source: Secondary Source
- Bailey
- Bayly
- Bell
- Blondin
- Boyer
- Bridgar
- Brisebois
- Brule
- Button
- Cadotte
- Cameron
- Campbell
- Camsell
- Cartier
- Champlain
- Christie
- Colen
- Dease
- Douglas
- Dunn
- Evans
- Fidler
- Finlay
- Franklin
- Frobisher
- Gillam
- Grant
- Gray
- Harmon
- Hawes
- Hearne
- Hendry
- Henry
- Johnston
- Kelsey
- King
- Logan
- MacKenzie
- McDonald
- McDonnell
- McGillivray
- McInnes
- McKay
- McKenzie
- McLean
- McLeod
- McLoughlin
- McTavish
- Mercredi
- Mitchell
- Morrisseau
- Murray
- Oman
- Palliser
- Pond
- Richardson
- Robertson
- Ross
- Simpson
- Sinclair
- Stewart
- Stuart
- Temple
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Turner
- Umpherville
- Wallace
- White
- Abitibi
- Aklavik
- Albany
- Albany River
- Arctic Red River
- Assiniboine River
- Astoria
- Athabasca HBC District
- Athabasca River
- Attawapiscat
- Batoche
- Battle River
- Bear Lake Outpost
- Beaver Lake
- Beaver River
- Bella Coola
- Beren's River
- Bersimis
- Big Island Fort
- Big Lake
- Black River
- Blanc Sablon
- Boat Encampment
- Boise
- Brandon House
- Brazeau River
- Buckingham House
- Buffalo Lake
- Buffalo River
- Calgary
- Canoe River
- Cape Breton
- Cape Disappointment
- Cedar Lake
- Champoeg
- Chatham House
- Chesterfield House
- Chicoutimi
- Churchill
- Churchill River
- Clatsop
- Cold Lake
- Columbia River
- Coppermine River
- Couchiching
- Cowlitz
- Cowlitz HBC
- Cross Lake
- Cumberland House
- Dalles
- Davis Inlet
- Dease Lake
- Dease River
- Deep Bay
- Dog Lake
- Duck Bay
- Duncan
- Eagle Hills
- Eagle Nest
- Eastmain
- Eastmain HBC
- Edmonton HBC
- Egg Lake (Swan River)
- Elbow
- English River HBC
- Enterprise
- Erie
- Esquimalt HBC
- Esquimaux Bay HBC
- Fairford
- Finlay River
- Flying Post
- Fond Du Lac
- Fort a la Corne
- Fort Alexander MB
- Fort Alexandria
- Fort Anderson
- Fort Babine
- Fort Bourbon
- Fort Carlton (House)
- Fort Charles
- Fort Chilcotin
- Fort Chimo
- Fort Chipewyan
- Fort Colville
- Fort Confidence
- Fort Connolly OR
- Fort Coulonge HBC
- Fort Daer
- Fort Dauphin
- Fort de L'Isle
- Fort des Prairies
- Fort Douglas
- Fort Dunvegan
- Fort Durham
- Fort Ellice
- Fort Fitzgerald
- Fort Frances
- Fort Garry (Winnipeg)
- Fort George OR
- Fort Good Hope
- Fort Grahame
- Fort Halkett
- Fort Hall
- Fort Hibernia
- Fort Hope ON
- Fort Langley
- Fort Liard
- Fort MacLeod
- Fort McKay
- Fort McLoughlin
- Fort McMurray
- Fort McPherson
- Fort Moncton
- Fort Nelson
- Fort Nez Percés
- Fort Nisqually
- Fort Norman
- Fort Okanagan
- Fort Pelly
- Fort Pitt
- Fort Providence
- Fort Qu'Appelle
- Fort Rae
- Fort Resolution
- Fort Rupert
- Fort Selkirk
- Fort Severn
- Fort Shepherd
- Fort Simpson HBC District
- Fort Smith
- Fort St. James National Historic Site
- Fort St. John
- Fort Vancouver
- Fort Vermilion
- Fort Victoria AB
- Fort Victoria HBC
- Fort Wedderburn
- Fort William (ON)
- Fort Wrigley
- Fort Yukon
- Fox River
- Frances Lake
- Fraser River
- Frederick House
- French Creek
- George River
- Gillam
- Glenora
- Gloucester
- God's Lake
- Godbout HBC
- Grand Forks
- Grand Rapids
- Great Slave Lake
- Great Whale River
- Green Bay
- Green Lake
- Grouard
- Halifax
- Hannah Bay
- Hay River
- Hayes River
- Henley House
- Herschel Island
- Horse Shoe House HBC
- Hudson Bay
- Hudson Strait
- Hungry Hall
- Hunters Lodge
- Ile a la Crosse
- Ile Jeremie
- Island Lake
- Jackson's Bay
- James Bay HBC District
- Jasper (House)
- Kaipokok HBC District
- Kamloops
- Keewatin HBC
- Keg River
- Kenogamissi
- Kenora
- Kettle Falls
- Kikendatch
- King's Posts HBC District
- Koksoak River
- Kootanae House
- Kootenay HBC District
- L'Assomption
- La Cloche HBC
- La Pierre's House
- Labrador
- Lac D'Orignal
- Lac des Allumettes
- Lac des Sables
- Lac Du Bonnet
- Lac Du Brochet
- Lac la Biche
- Lac La Nonne
- Lac La Pluie
- Lac La Ronge
- Lac Seul
- Lac Travers
- Lachine
- Lake Erie
- Lake Huron HBC District
- Lake Manitoba
- Lake Michigan
- Lake Missinaibi
- Lake Nipissing
- Lake of Two Mountains
- Lake Ontario
- Lake Superior
- Lake Winnipeg
- Lansdowne House
- Lesser Slave Lake
- Liard River
- Little Whale River
- Long Lake
- Lower Post
- Mackenzie River
- Manchester House
- Manitoba House
- Maniwaki
- Martens Falls
- Mattawa
- Mattawa
- Michipicoten
- Michipicoten HBC
- Migiskan
- Mille Vaches
- Mingan
- Miramichi
- Mississippi River
- Mistassini
- Montreal
- Moose Factory
- Moose Fort
- Moose Lake
- Moose River HBC District
- Nachvak
- Nanaimo
- Natashkwan
- Navy Island
- Nelson House
- Nelson River
- Neoskweskau
- New Brunswick House
- New Caledonia HBC District
- New York
- Niagara
- Niagara Falls
- Niagara River
- Nichikun
- Nipigon House
- North Saskatchewan River
- North West Angle
- North West River
- Norway House HBC
- Oak Point
- Obijuan
- Ogoki
- Okanagan River
- Old Fort
- Oregon
- Osnaburgh
- Ottawa
- Ottawa River
- Oxford House
- Peace River
- Peace River Landing
- Peel River
- Pelican Narrows
- Pelly River
- Pembina
- Pembina River
- Pigeon Lake
- Pigeon River
- Pike Lake
- Pine Ridge
- Pine River
- Pointe Bleue
- Porcupine River
- Port Arthur
- Port Burwell
- Port Dover
- Port Essington
- Port Harrison
- Port Nelson
- Portage de L'Ile
- Portage La Loche
- Portage La Prairie
- Presqu'Isle
- Prince Albert
- Prince of Wales NB
- Quebec City
- Rainy Lake
- Rampart House
- Rapid River
- Red Deer River
- Red Lake
- Red River
- Red Rock ON
- Reed Lake
- Reindeer Lake
- Repulse Bay
- Rigolet
- Rocky Mountain House
- Rocky Mountains
- Rose Lake
- Rupert River
- Saguenay
- Saint Boniface
- Saint Paul
- Saleesh House
- Salmon River
- Salt River
- Saskatchewan River
- Sault Ste. Marie
- Setting Lake
- Shamattawa
- Shell River
- Shingle Point
- Shoal Lake
- Shoal River
- Skeena River
- Slave River
- Snake River
- Soda Creek
- Souris River
- South Branch House
- South Saskatchewan River
- Split Lake
- Spokane
- Spokane River
- St. Albert
- St. Augustin
- St. Francois Xavier
- St. John's
- St. Joseph Mission
- St. Louis OR
- St. Maurice
- St. Paul
- Ste. Anne
- Stikine River
- Sturgeon Lake
- Sturgeon River (ON)
- Swampy Lake
- Swan Lake
- Swan River HBC District
- Tadoussac
- Taku
- Temple Bay
- The Forks
- The Pas
- Thunder Bay
- Timiskaming
- Timiskaming HBC
- Toad River
- Toronto
- Touchwood Hills
- Tree River
- Trois Rivieres
- Trout Lake (ON)
- Turtle River
- Umpqua
- Ungava Bay
- Vancouver Island
- Vermilion River
- Wabiskaw
- Walla Walla
- Waswanipi
- Waterhen River
- Weymontachingue
- White Dog Post
- White Mud River
- Whitefish Lake AB
- Winnipeg
- Winnipeg HBC
- Wolstenholme
- Wood River
- Wrangell
- Yale
- York Factory
- York Factory HBC
- York HBC District
- Yukon River
- Agriculture
- Alcohol
- American Fur Company
- Anglican Church
- Beadwork
- Blackfoot
- Chief Factor
- Chief Trader
- Colonial Policy
- Cree
- Fishing
- Fraser, Simon
- Freemen
- Fur Trade
- HBC (Hudson's Bay Company)
- Iroquois (First Nations)
- MacKenzie, Alexander
- Maps
- Micmac/Mi'kmaq (First Nations)
- Military
- Missionaries
- NWC (North West Company)
- Ogden, Peter
- Pacific Fur Company
- Portage Routes
- Revillon Freres Trading Company
- Russian American Co.
- Selkirk, Thomas Douglas 5th Earl of
- Seven Oaks, Battle of
- Simpson, George
- Sioux
- Small Pox
- Taxation
- The Company of New France
- Thompson, David
- Trade
- Translation
- Transportation
- Treaty of Utrecht
- Turtle Mountain
- War
- Whaling