Driessens, Victor. 1841 to 1842: A Reduction in the Rockies: A Father DeSmet Bicentennial
Document Type: Journal Article
Date of Document(s): 2006
Date Range Start : 1841
Date Range End: 1842
Source: http://users.skynet.be/pater.de.smet/index.htm
Indexing Progress: Relationship Indexed
Date Range Start : 1841
Date Range End: 1842
Source: http://users.skynet.be/pater.de.smet/index.htm
Indexing Progress: Relationship Indexed
Primary or Secondary Source: Secondary Source
Author: Driessens, Victor
Title: 1841 to 1842: A Reduction in the Rockies: A Father DeSmet Bicentennial
Reprint Date: 2006
Location in Work: 15-20
Series Title: Peter John De Smet, S.J. (1801 - 1873) Life and Times of a Blackrobe in the West
Title: 1841 to 1842: A Reduction in the Rockies: A Father DeSmet Bicentennial
Reprint Date: 2006
Location in Work: 15-20
Series Title: Peter John De Smet, S.J. (1801 - 1873) Life and Times of a Blackrobe in the West