"The Columbia River Mines" British Colonist (Nov 15 1861)
Document Type: Newspaper Article
Date of Document(s): 1861
Date Range Start : 1861
Date Range End: 1861
Source: British Colonist Newspaper, Victoria BC
Indexing Progress: Relationship Indexed
Date Range Start : 1861
Date Range End: 1861
Source: British Colonist Newspaper, Victoria BC
Indexing Progress: Relationship Indexed
Primary or Secondary Source: Secondary Source
Article Title/Headline: The Columbia River Mines
Newspaper Name: British Colonist
Edition: 15 Nov 1861
Subject: Halfbreed settlement
Place of Publication: Victoria, B.C.
Newspaper Name: British Colonist
Edition: 15 Nov 1861
Subject: Halfbreed settlement
Place of Publication: Victoria, B.C.