Coates, K. S. & Morrison, W. R. More than a Matter of Blood: The Federal Government, the Churches and the Mixed Blood Populations of the Yukon and the Mackenzie River Valley, 1890-1950
Document Type: Journal Articles (2)
Date of Document(s): 1986
Date Range Start : 1890
Date Range End: 1950
Indexing Progress: Relationship Indexed
Date Range Start : 1890
Date Range End: 1950
Indexing Progress: Relationship Indexed
Primary or Secondary Source: Secondary Source
Author: Coates, K. S. & Morrison, W. R.
Title: More than a Matter of Blood: The Federal Government, the Churches and the Mixed Blood Populations of the Yukon and the Mackenzie River Valley, 1890-1950
Place of Publication: Regina, Saskatchewan
Publisher Name: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina
Date of Publication: 1986
Date of Copyright: c1986
Location in Work: 258-277
Series Editor: Barron, F. L. & Waldram, J. B.
Series Title: 1885 and After: Native Society in Transition
Notes: paper and electronic copy / Book Chapter
Title: More than a Matter of Blood: The Federal Government, the Churches and the Mixed Blood Populations of the Yukon and the Mackenzie River Valley, 1890-1950
Place of Publication: Regina, Saskatchewan
Publisher Name: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina
Date of Publication: 1986
Date of Copyright: c1986
Location in Work: 258-277
Series Editor: Barron, F. L. & Waldram, J. B.
Series Title: 1885 and After: Native Society in Transition
Notes: paper and electronic copy / Book Chapter